
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Rep. Mike Pence on the Presidency, the Constitution, and the Future of the Republic

Excerpts from a speech given by Representitive Mike Spence to to Hillsdale College on Monday 9/20.
This man respects and understands the powers of the highest office in the land unlike our current adminstration.

Rep. Mike Pence on the Presidency, the Constitution, and the Future of the Republic

Sunday, September 19, 2010 » Reagan the Prophet » Reagan the Prophet

The Forgotten Man - Jon McNaughton

a peacfull protest by the left?

Check out this link I found at  Anderew Breitbarts website. In the videos Andrew is spat on and called a homo.
There is no doubt as we get closer to the November 2nd elections these angry mobs  (led by the SEIU and AFL-CIO) will be popping out all over the place with their manufactured signs, most likely getting a stipend to participate.
  Don't forget these are the same people that have orders to crash tea party protests with outrageous signs, and to act like jerks to make the tea parties look racist.
 The same people who pay non-union protesters minimum wage to participate in their marches.
  They are aided by the main stream media to push their narrative.
To this day there has not been a single incident of racism by the tea parties documented.

When will someone in the lame stream media report this?

Saturday, September 18, 2010

New report details the frightening realities of Sharia

The center for security policy recently released a report titled "Sharia the threat to America".
The 177 page report is the creation of a group of intelligence and top security policy experts. It is a comprehensive study on the threats of Sharia, Muslim extremism, its roots in our country and the depth of the problems we face. It goes into detail of how the current and the former administrations refuse to acknowledge and or address the problem.
 Through front groups the Muslim brotherhood has infiltrated our government and our schools. Many of the key leaders and founders of these groups have been implicated in terrorist acivities including the funding of known terrorists groups like Hamas and Hezballla. In this study you will find how our military and intelligence strategies are affected by policies of appeasement. In fact, they structure our policies based on recommendations from the very people who's stated and and sole goal is to destroy America from within, and impose Sharia law worldwide.
For our politicians to ignore this very real and present danger to our country is treasonous.
It is a clear violation of the oath they all take when sworn into office.
"To Preserve protect and defend the constitution of the United  States"
We must demand that our Politicians abide by their oath.

My First Post

There is no doubt the upcoming elections are the most important of our lifetime.
Who could of imaged the scope and magnitude of the"change" and "fundamental transformation" our country was in for when we elected Barack Obama.
 If we are fortunate enough to take both the house and senate from the destructive progressives who are driving this country to its knees.
 Then we must not rest on our laurels. We must continue this grassroots movement, growing it stronger and stronger right up to the next presidential election and beyond.
 We must instill in all of our children's the values that made this country great.
Until such a time that we rid our schools and universities of these destructive America hating liberals, we must take it upon ourselves to teach our children the true history of our great nation.
 I look forward to having an open dialogue with like minded Americans and want to do my part to help bring our country back from despair.