
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Rep. Mike Pence on the Presidency, the Constitution, and the Future of the Republic

Excerpts from a speech given by Representitive Mike Spence to to Hillsdale College on Monday 9/20.
This man respects and understands the powers of the highest office in the land unlike our current adminstration.

Rep. Mike Pence on the Presidency, the Constitution, and the Future of the Republic

1 comment:

  1. We need more people like Mike Pence! This man understand how the government is supposed to work and he understands that we have wandered away from the constitution.
    There were many great quotes in that sleech, but this one might be my favorite:

    "It is a tragedy indeed that new generations taking office attribute failures in governance to insufficient power, and seek more of it."

    Thay sums up much of the problem right there!
