
Saturday, October 2, 2010


 As the elections creep closer and closer the Unions are becoming more vocal and present, culminating with today's big Pro Union "One Nation" March on the capitol.
  One of the most recognizable terms associated with unions is "Brotherhood".
Funny thing is there have been more than a  few examples of why the terms Brotherhood and Union are at complete odds with each other.
 In local and national papers over the last few months their have been countless articles about Union layoffs, and the terrible affect they will have on communities.Along with these articles are countless stories of greed. Time after time we have Unions refusing pay cuts, concessions, pay freezes, even the smallest concessions are refused as many of their so called "brothers" are laid off. see here,and here,,and here   there are hundreds of examples just need to google.
 During some of the most difficult financial times of our life times, a time when thousands of private sector employees that are lucky enough not to be let go are agreeing to concessions whether it be incurring increased health care costs or agreeing to pay freezes. We have hundreds of  unions gathering to demand more. On top of that their leadership is  using members dues by the thousands to promote their candidates whether the members agree or not.
 What we are seeing is the result of decades of unions leaders in bed with politicians with their unfulfillable promises in exchange for votes. Its all coming to a head and the sense of entitlement that is seared deep into the union members brains will not allow them to consider sacrifice.
  Their problem is the majority of Americans have caught on to this gimmick.
Their retirements and pensions are billions in debt  and un-fundable. And when push comes to shove rather than share in the sacrifice the unions demand that the taxpayer, and even their own Brothers sacrifice themselves in order to assure they get what they were promised by some temporary elected official.
 I am sure there was a time when Unions served a genuine good purpose but that time has long passed.
 They have become nothing more then a thugocrecy willing to let the majority of Americans drown to assure that their few can keep their Yacht's.
 So instead of  referring to Unions as Brotherhoods it should be MEhoods!!!!!


1 comment:

  1. I always thought it was strange that union "brothers" would rather see some of their "brothers" laid off or a company put out of business than make any concessions whatsoever. What kind of brother is it that is willing to sacrifice another so that he will noe have to give a little back. When times are togh most of us cut back, but not the unions, they just want more and more.
